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UN News - Global perspective Human stories Global perspective Human stories
- WHO approves first mpox vaccine to boost access in Africale 13 septembre 2024 à 12 h 00 min
The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the use of an mpox vaccine for the first time, which it says should facilitate “timely and increased access” for millions at risk in Africa where the latest outbreak has infected more than 20,000 so far this year.
- Iran: Repression of women ‘intensifying’, two years on from mass protestsle 13 septembre 2024 à 12 h 00 min
The Iranian Government has intensified its efforts to suppress the fundamental rights of women and girls and crush remaining initiatives of women’s activism, UN Human Rights Council-appointed independent investigators warned in an update released on Friday.
- Guterres calls for ‘culture of peace’ and global unity, as crises mountle 13 septembre 2024 à 12 h 00 min
Amid escalating global conflicts, deepening divisions and mounting crisis, the UN Secretary-General on Friday urged everyone around the world to “cultivate a culture of peace”.
- Nigeria: Hundreds of thousands in need of aid as flooding wipes out homes – WFPle 13 septembre 2024 à 12 h 00 min
UN humanitarians are rushing to assist scores of newly displaced people in northeast Nigeria, after torrential rains caused a dam to collapse and flood the area, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday.
- UN warns of continued prohibited weapons transfers to Ukraine, Russiale 13 septembre 2024 à 12 h 00 min
Amid continuing prohibited weapons transfers to Ukraine and Russia during the ongoing war, top disarmament and legal officials issued calls on Friday for parties to the conflict to abide by international law and protect civilians.